Uncharted Learning in the News

5 innovative Austin tech companies being recognized at SXSW

Written by Tahera Rahman | 03.14.22

AUSTIN (KXAN)– Each SXSW, a competition called Pitch puts companies of new, innovative technology head-to-head to present their ideas to a live audience and expert judges, and win investors.

This year, a handful of Austin-based companies are finalists for technology that has the potential to change– and even save– lives.


Run by a student at the University of Texas at Austin, Walkthru is a mobile virtual reality streaming platform. This company brings VR to long-term care facilities to end “the silent epidemic of social isolation in older adults,” according to their Pitch information. Their CEO and co-founder began Walkthru at Vista Ridge High School back in 2019. KXAN interviewed him then. This year, they are alternates at SXSW Pitch.