Our Team

Connie Zimmer

Office Manager

Resident Organizer and Fun Maker

Connie works behind the scenes at Uncharted Learning taking care of details that keep the organization running smoothly. She enjoys organizing and putting order into areas and taking on any task that helps the team. And, when a party or event needs to be planned, Connie's got us covered. 

Having experience as a parent in public, private and home school, Connie was drawn to Uncharted Learning and its mission by the hands on, real life, practical experience offered by INCubatoredu. She would love to see every student have the opportunity to experience at least one of the programs at Uncharted Learning.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Connie runs an Etsy shop featuring unique keychains. She promotes and teaches the Etsy platform to interested users.

Words of Wisdom

Set goals, work hard, be fair, strive to help others whenever you can, and always remember you are the one causing your life.

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