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Kelly Trapp
Director of Finance & Operations
The Wizard of Ops
Kelly has served as the woman behind the curtain to help Uncharted Learning function as a well oiled machine. Her current focus is overseeing financials, contracts and CRM. Kelly knows how to get things done in a growing startup, while also maintaining her purpose to never let an opportunity pass without a laugh.
With a Master’s in Education and a “jack of all trades” attitude, Kelly left the field of School Psychology to head into the world of Business. Drawn to Uncharted Learning because of its mission to help kids find their passion and launch them into the world, Kelly found the perfect fit, and we depend on her organization and process-oriented skill sets.
Looking Back
Once a mountain girl, Kelly worked as a white-water rafting guide, taking clients on multi-day trips down the rivers of the west while also showing them how to hone the skill of sleeping under the stars. With no prior experience running rapids, Kelly spent 2 weeks in an intensive training course before taking the helm of a white water raft — another example of her I-can-do attitude.
On the Side
Kelly has an entrepreneurial, want-to-be farmer side to her that she indulges by raising chickens and making beeswax candles. Her next venture is to get beehives so she can begin to source her own beeswax.
What She'd Tell Her Younger Self
“Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor."