Strengthen Career Tech Ed with Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is more than startups. By learning entrepreneurial skills, students build the durable skills and mindset employers seek today. Whether a stand-alone course, or integrated within CTE courses, entrepreneurship levels up a student’s readiness for whatever’s next.
Explore how to integrate entrepreneurship into your Career Tech Ed
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- The NEW importance of CTE
- How does entrepreneurship work?
- How to build entrepreneurship into your CTE program
- Entrepreneurship for CTE checklist
- 3-step action plan
What is the new role of CTE in school?
CTE in high school offers students career-focused, experiential learning programs that allow students to explore careers and gain marketable skillsin school, and middle school is often a starting point! Authentic work-based learning experiences can help build critical skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in current or emerging, rapidly changing professions.
Technical skills aren’t enough…
Technology or hard skills are often top of mind when thinking about skills that are in high demand in the future of work, but employer expectations are also surprisingly in the arena of durable or 'human skills.' According to the World Economic Forum, the top five skills for 2025 that employers want are:
- Active learning & learning strategies
- Analytical thinking & innovation
- Complex problem solving
- Critical thinking & analysis
- Creativity, originality & initiative
Your CTE Classes can Integrate Entrepreneurship
By integrating entrepreneurship education with academic and technical curriculum, students are introduced to financial planning skills to embolden financial literacy, interpersonal, and creative problem-solving skills and more to support a lifelong career journey.
While each state has a unique CTE system regarding governance and policy priorities, entrepreneurship satisfies several implementations within existing career clusters and pathways or as a standalone pathway.
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