Middle School Students Have the Potential to Imagine Their Futures
At this stage in life, students are full of energy, raw imagination, and real ideas. Middle school students have the potential to dream of the next big invention or hit song. They don’t get caught up in practical details or let life obstacles cloud their vision. The possibilities are endless to them, and this fearless growth mindset allows creativity to flourish. At this age, students begin to put their imagination to use in real ways and have the potential to envision their futures with more clarity, recognizing their strengths and expressing interest in things they enjoy doing. At the tipping point of young adulthood, with a perfect blend of curiosity and creativity — middle schoolers are bursting with entrepreneurial potential.
Creativity is a Core Tenant of Entrepreneurship
Beyond acquiring knowledge and mastering concrete skills, entrepreneurship requires innovative thinking and creativity to apply their learning in new ways to new challenges—challenges they care about. As educators, we have the chance to fan the flame of creativity and nurture it.
Channeling the Risk-Taking
Do you remember when you were in middle school? Outside of getting in trouble in the classroom, most of us were willing to question why things are the way they are or even wonder if things could be done better. This willingness to face the fear of the unknown and take risks is at the heart of the entrepreneurial mindset. Imagine where our students might go if we encouraged them to be brave in their learning and showed them how to take risks effectively, just like an entrepreneur!
A Pathway to Career Exploration
Cheryl Baum is a dedicated teacher from the Leander School District. Cheryl emphasizes how entrepreneurship is a great choice for students who may not yet have a defined academic or career path. At Wiley Middle School, mxINCedu entrepreneurship program is an elective course for seventh and eighth graders, falling under Career and Technical Education (CTE). By engaging in various activities, students discover interests and talents they were previously unaware of, from graphic design to public speaking. This exploration is crucial as it opens their minds to future opportunities beyond middle school.
Career exploration is a fundamental aspect of the mxINCedu program. Cheryl reflects on how this program helps students identify their skills and interests at a critical stage in their development. She notes, "When I was in middle school, I wish I would have had a class like this because I think it would have helped me figure out what I wanted to do later on but also what my skills were and what I was good at." This curriculum provides a structured environment where students can explore various career paths and gain insights into their strengths and areas for improvement.
Entrepreneurship is often a part of Career and Technical Education (CTE) in schools. CTE exposes students to new career paths and provides them with the skills they need to succeed in high school and beyond. It provides a space where students can engage differently with their learning, explore their passions, and build their skills in new ways. CTE can be introduced before high school.
The Entrepreneurship Student
Youth entrepreneurship isn’t just about starting a business — it’s about seeing yourself differently and seeing problems as opportunities. Entrepreneurship is a mindset that middle schoolers tend to embrace naturally.
Identify Problems
The mxINCedu program empowers students with the tools and mindset to explore what it truly means to be an entrepreneur. Students work in teams to identify a key problem to solve. The teams then create a product concept, pitch the idea, and then iterate based on market knowledge and an actual e-commerce marketplace.
Collaborate with Your Community
Local business professionals volunteer their time to support this initiative, providing students with a real-world learning experience. Cheryl shares that the mentors' involvement enriches the classroom and elevates the learning experience. It also eases her workload and allows her to focus on guiding students through the entrepreneurial process rather than being an 'expert' in everything.
Entrepreneurship Skills in Action
Whether a student wants to be the next big chef or is an aspiring photographer, they’ll want to develop these durable skills:
- Problem-solving
- Critical thinking
- Collaboration
- Adaptability
- Creativity
When students learn these skills, they develop the ability to respond to and bounce back from unexpected events—a skill that is more important than ever. Resiliency is a critical life skill, not only for entrepreneurs but for anyone. Learning from challenges and having the opportunity to solve real problems builds entrepreneurial capacity.
Entrepreneurship isn’t just about what students learn; it’s about how they learn — on teams, with community connections, identifying real problems, and generating solutions. mxINCedu is team-based, project-based learning (PBL) experience that helps students build and apply skills in a real-world context. It’s engaging and inspiring and empowers students to bring their choice and voice to their learning. And best of all, it’s flexible to accommodate implementation requirements.
Cheryl's stories of student transformation are a testament to the power of entrepreneurship education."My middle school students who enter the program unsure of their abilities often emerge with newfound confidence and a clear sense of purpose...The program helps them discover their strengths and ignites a passion for learning and engagement."