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- Teaching Entrepreneurship in High School
- Growing the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Naperville Schools
- Reward Your Student's Grit and Character in 2024

Margarita Geleske
Chief Evangelist
Champion of the Cause
Margarita helped make us what we are today, working to establish our first INCubatoredu course at Barrington (IL) High School in 2013. Now she focuses on promoting Uncharted Learning and helping educators understand that a rigorous, hands-on, real-world program actually works to turn on the learning light switch.
She believes the health of our future depends on young people and wants to give them powerful skills they can use to navigate life's uncertainties. Her goal and current role is to bring together students, educators and business professionals to create a community that works and learns together.
Looking Back
After building a career in advertising as VP/Account Director at Leo Burnett, Margarita shifted focus toward her passion for creating meaningful learning environments, serving as both an educational foundation trustee and youth mental health services trustee. She has also shown her commitment for learning outside of work, getting up at 5:30 a.m. to practice Tae Kwon Do.
Challenge Met
Margarita knows first-hand the importance of having skills and determination to overcome obstacles. After failing in front of a large audience the first time she tried, she eventually broke a cement brick to earn her second-degree black belt.
What She'd Tell Her Younger Self
“Forget perfect and keep learning."